Austin Mahone is a singer/songwriter he is on tour right now and his favorite color is red and one of his best friends is Becky G. She is a singer and also she raps I just went to his concert it was really good some of his songs are what about love, mmm yea, heart in my hand,U,say something, say your just a friend, banga banga, ect. He songs a lot of covers of songs and He adds his own kinds of lyrics he is so nice and he is different from a lot of other artists. He is not that big not a ton of people know him but I think he will be big soon and everybody will know of him. He is from Texas and he now lives in Mimi he is a only child. He likes tigers and he is a bebliver (a Justin Bieber fan) he has 8 hats. He loves his fans and he does a thing on stage he picks a girl from the crowed and he takes her on stage and he sings to her and gives her a kiss I love him it should be me but no. His birthday is April 4th and he is 17 and Becky G's birthday was march 2 the day I went to his concert she turned 17 to. His concert was so good we all sang to becky G.